Have I told you about Girl's cooking? She always shares with me. Whether it's by accident or on purpose, I usually get at least a morsel of what she and Guy are eating for dinner.
Tonight was Mac and Cheese with salad. I don't care much for the salad, but the Mac and Cheese is one of my favorites. It reminds me of one of my first Girl cooking experiences where she let me lick out the pot after she was finished cooking. And after she and Guy had finished eating. Really, its my way of helping them to clean up. Either way.
It was early in our life together as a family. Girl bought me from my breeders in North Carolina and delivered me as a gift to Guy on their one year anniversary. Usually this is the kiss of death in a relationship...or so I've heard....but 4 years after entering their lives (or them entering mine!!) all is well. In fact, they are getting married in the fall! In Colorado!!! And I get to go! Not to the ceremony, of course. Girl said that I wasn't allowed in the church since I wasn't baptized or something....but I would rather run around in my Colorado family's backyard with Bella, Lily, and Roscoe than sit quietly in a church.
So, Girl cooked Mac and Cheese one night when we first met, and then took a picture of me licking out the pot (proof above!!). They since referred to me as "Pot Head" whenever I did this. Drug connotations aside, Mac and Cheese is delicious. Who wouldn't lick out the remnants?! (I swear that I have seen Guy do it on more than one occasion....)
Tail Wag,
Beauty, I have seen "Guy" do the same thing. We are furiously looking for a picture of him, with his head in a kettle. I know it's around here.