Monday, May 24, 2010


Guy started his "Bar Prep" classes tonight. And to those who haven't lived with a law student for 3 years, that doesn't mean anything about alcohol from a bartender. I guess that he has to take a big test in a month or so to be a full-fledged lawyer. I hear that he is taking deposits to be on retainer for his friends...and that the deposit amount grows daily. If I were you, I would make your deposit now. He is going to be the best lawyer. I made MY deposit. I left him a nicely damp, chewed, sock on the floor the other day. I think that counts.

Girl took me to the dry cleaner tonight...that was about the extent of my excitement for the day. Maybe she'll take me to the dog park tomorrow night! I hope that the mean pit bull isnt there...last time he bit my ear so hard I bled all the way home. I wish that my Colorado friends were out here...Bella, Lily - you 2 would gang up on the pit bull with me, right?!

Girl is getting the leash ready! Better go!!

Tail Wag,


Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Addition to the Apartment

Girl is eating Dorito's...translation: I just got some Dorito's!!!!! My favorite kind, too...the Nacho Cheeeeeeese kind. It reminds me of Girls favorite joke (only joke??):
Q: "What do you call cheese that's not yours?"

She always laughs at this one, even if no one else does. I really do think it's her only joke. If you have any others that she could possibly use, please - I beg of you - post them in the comment section below. She follows my blog, and I am sure will pick up on the subtle hints...

So, we have a new addition to the apartment! Girl walked in with a huge box earlier, nearly stepping on my tail in the process. She tried to "hide" it in the den, which couldn't possibly work since there's no where in this apartment to hide anything...either way, she left to get her hair done, and when she came back, Guy had the box in the main room. Turns out, it was a gift for Guy from Girl's parents. (I love them. Have I told you about living with them in Colorado???) So, Girl said that he could open it if he called the parents first...they didn't answer, so he sliced into the box and pulled out a new audio system with a blu-ray player. We don't have any blu-ray discs, Girl says...but she thinks that I might like watching movies better when we get some. I really love watching sports...or movies with lots of moving and explosions. Die Hard With a Vengeance is my favorite move of all time.

I better go supervise the setting-up process....lots to sniff and put my nose on...and maybe Girl is still eating those delicious Dorito's.....

Tail Wag,


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Graduates everywhere

I didn't go to school...not even puppy training. I guess you could say I was home schooled. But three of my closest people are graduating this month.

First of all - Guy is graduating from Law school!! Thats 3 years of school...."intense" is what he called it. I am so proud of him, as is Girl.

Second, Guy's sister graduated today with her Masters!! She worked full time while going to school. I cant even imagine how much work that was. I mean, a busy day for me is waking up, eating breakfast, going on my walk, sleeping, playing with Jerry, going on another walk, helping Girl cook dinner, wrestling with Guy, going on another walk, getting my dog cookie, and going to bed. Something tells me that Guy's sister worked a bit harder than me...

THIRD - Girls friend from Savannah, who is going to school in Baton Rouge graduated with HER masters!! I am in educated company all of a sudden! It makes me think of going back to school. And by "going back" I mean "going". I would study zoology. I bet that a Panda would make a good friend....or at least chew toy.

I'm so proud of my graduates. I can't wait to lick their feet and show them how excited I am!!

Dog cookie time...

Tail Wag,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pot Head

Have I told you about Girl's cooking? She always shares with me. Whether it's by accident or on purpose, I usually get at least a morsel of what she and Guy are eating for dinner.

Tonight was Mac and Cheese with salad. I don't care much for the salad, but the Mac and Cheese is one of my favorites. It reminds me of one of my first Girl cooking experiences where she let me lick out the pot after she was finished cooking. And after she and Guy had finished eating. Really, its my way of helping them to clean up. Either way.

It was early in our life together as a family. Girl bought me from my breeders in North Carolina and delivered me as a gift to Guy on their one year anniversary. Usually this is the kiss of death in a relationship...or so I've heard....but 4 years after entering their lives (or them entering mine!!) all is well. In fact, they are getting married in the fall! In Colorado!!! And I get to go! Not to the ceremony, of course. Girl said that I wasn't allowed in the church since I wasn't baptized or something....but I would rather run around in my Colorado family's backyard with Bella, Lily, and Roscoe than sit quietly in a church.

So, Girl cooked Mac and Cheese one night when we first met, and then took a picture of me licking out the pot (proof above!!). They since referred to me as "Pot Head" whenever I did this. Drug connotations aside, Mac and Cheese is delicious. Who wouldn't lick out the remnants?! (I swear that I have seen Guy do it on more than one occasion....)

Tail Wag,


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eeyore Day

You know that mopey donkey who sometimes hangs out with Winnie the Pooh? His name is Eeyore, he often loses his tail (never happens to me...wouldn't that be freaky??), lives in a tent made of sticks, and is often very sad. Especially when the weather is bad. Well. Today was an "Eeyore day". It was rainy and cold and disgusting. I went out for a walk with Guy this morning, and neither of us expected the rain. Poor Guy. He already had his work clothes on and got totally soaked waiting for me to do my business. I would have hurried, but we all know, it doesn't work that way. Maybe after some Indian food, but never after a normal day of dog food.

Anyway, the weather here in DC makes me sad sometimes. And when it isn't raining and cold, usually its so hot and humid that I can barely breathe. I should probably just move back to Colorado and play with Lily and my Colorado family. Did I tell you that I got to see Lilly on Google-Chat the other day?! It was great! She heard me squeak Jerry's head and then ran around in circles...after getting her dog nose all over the computer screen, of course.

My Colorado family visits next week! Along with my West Virginia family! They are both coming out for Guy's graduation from law school...they say that it's been 3 years, but it feels more like 21. I go crazy whenever the families come to town...usually embarrassing myself by writhing on the ground whenever someone pets my tummy...

So, even though today began as an Eeyore Day, it has significantly cheered up since Guy told me that the families were coming to town....see, that's all it takes. A bit of good news to spark the excitement of looking forward to the next fun thing.

Guy is making the coffee that automatically brews in the morning (it's incredible that the machine knows when he will wake up!!), this means that I get my dog cookie soon if I go to my bed. Good night!!

Tail Wag,


Monday, May 17, 2010

Good news day!

I got good news today!! My, Girl and Guy's friend who moved to Portland is coming to stay with us in August!! Portland moved away a while ago. But before that she used to come over and play with me. She was really good at tug-o-war, and "shark out of water"...where I lie on the ground near where she sits and leap up for whatever she has in her, tennis balls, treats. I could be a shark. I can't wait to play with her again.

I helped Girl cook dinner tonight. I got some pita chips in my bowl, and some corn and beans that Girl accidentally dropped on the floor. I'm pretty good at cleaning up after myself though, so Girl doesn't mind when I eat what she spills. I lick the floor clean whenever she drops food. I count that as one way I contribute towards the rent. The other way is when I have crazy time.

"Crazy Time". Thats what Guy and Girl call it anyway. Basically I sprint around the apartment - careful to avoid the corners of the couch and the wall - while they clap and yell "BEAUTYYYYY!!!! BEAUTYYYYYY!!!!!". Its such a release for me after a long day of laying on my comfy bed. They LOVE it when I do this!! I try to do it at least once a day - it makes them happy, which I consider more valuable than dollars towards rent...everyone wins!

Jerry's squeaky head is calling me. Gotta run. Can't wait for Portland to get here!!

Tail Wag,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Girl's Friend

Girl's friend came over today. I love her. She stayed on our couch for a while when she had a rough patch. Something about a bad breakup...whatever that is. Either way. She seemed sad for a while. But I tried my best to cheer her up. She slept on the pull-out couch...which is in my sleeping area (anywhere other than the bedroom or bathroom) I sniffed her face when she slept, and liked to see if I could wake her up to feed me. Most of the time it worked. Except for one time.

Guy got up early to go to work. Girl's friend was sleeping in the living room. (FYI-there is no wall between kitchen and living room.) I don't know what time it was, but it was early...barely any sun was shining. Guy started to scoop my food from the bag and Girl's friend sat bolt-upright in bed and yelled "BEAUTY!!! NO!!!!! CAGE!!!". There are a few things wrong with this....aside from the fact that someone was yelling at me while I was having my one meal of the day.

1. She assumed that a well-trained, respectable dog like myself would eat from her food bag...when the food was not scooped into my bowl.

2. She yelled "cage". During the few weeks she stayed with us, she commonly referred to my bed or "kennel" as "cage". I haven't been in a cage since before I can remember. It's "kennel"...and "kennel" is a soft bed with lots of toys on it. Jerry is in my kennel. It's a happy place.

So, poor Guy had to quietly remind Girl's friend that he was awake. And that he was, indeed, feeding me....not that I was eating on my own volition out of the bag of dog food. I would never do that. I would never betray the trust that Guy and Girl have for me by eating the food that was not served to me.

But. I forgave Girl's friend. She'd had a rough time. I scarfed my food, then went and breathed the remnants into her sleepy face.

Girl is taking me out to pee soon, I better go. I hear her getting my leash ready.

Tail wag,


First things first

Hi! I thought that I would introduce myself since this is my first post. And since we can't sniff butts, which is my normal way of meeting someone, this will have to do. My name is Beauty. I was born in North Carolina and have lots of brothers and sisters...but I never see them. We all moved away when we were babies.

I have two roommates...Guy and Girl. They pay all the rent, but I contribute by letting them rub my stomach or play with my floppy dog ears. I am a Labrador Retriever, but prefer to forget the latter part of the breed name. Sometimes when Guy really wants to play fetch, I'll do the Retriever thing, but not for long. What's the point? Every time I bring back the ball, he throws it away again.

It's Sunday here...which means that I share the apartment with Guy and Girl all day. To make matters worse, Girl decided to vacuum today. She says that we have to do it once a week, at least, otherwise we have a "Beauty Carpet" on the floor. The idea of a carpet made of my fur does not bother me. What DOES bother me is the vacuum. Girl says that its common with dogs, but then she gets mad when I jump over the couch to avoid being sucked into the machine.

Oh, I'm not allowed on the furniture. Well, sometimes. But only if I am invited. And it usually doesn't last very long.

I get to go outside soon!!

Tail Wag,
