Sunday, August 22, 2010

Birthdays Galore!!!

Girls' Birthday was yesterday (or still today, depending on the time zone...) and Dad's birthday is Today!! (or tomorrow, depending on the time zone...). Either way, I got a couple pieces of peanut butter toast for breakfast, so it felt like MY birthday too! (Although, I DID get the toast peanut butter-glued onto the roof of my seen in the video.) I sent Girl a card, as always. She called and thanked me. She also appreciates the posts that I have been doing - since she is still in DC and I am livin' it up in Colorado. She likes to hear that I am having fun....but she did advise me to stay away from the coyotes. Good advice, indeed.

Her Dad is now in Santa Fe golfing and hanging out with Girls Mom and a couple of friends. I wish that I were there. I love watching golf. The sounds of the announcers and crowds are so soothing...feels like nap time! I'm off to bother Bella and Lily!!

Happy birthday to Girl and her Dad!!!

Tail Wag,


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