Sunday, August 22, 2010
Playing with my toy
In the morning it's so much fun to hang out with Bella (although socially inept....) and my fun squeaky toy! Ever since that rat-dog ate Jerry (R.I.P...) this has been my new friend.
Birthdays Galore!!!
Girls' Birthday was yesterday (or still today, depending on the time zone...) and Dad's birthday is Today!! (or tomorrow, depending on the time zone...). Either way, I got a couple pieces of peanut butter toast for breakfast, so it felt like MY birthday too! (Although, I DID get the toast peanut butter-glued onto the roof of my seen in the video.) I sent Girl a card, as always. She called and thanked me. She also appreciates the posts that I have been doing - since she is still in DC and I am livin' it up in Colorado. She likes to hear that I am having fun....but she did advise me to stay away from the coyotes. Good advice, indeed.
Her Dad is now in Santa Fe golfing and hanging out with Girls Mom and a couple of friends. I wish that I were there. I love watching golf. The sounds of the announcers and crowds are so soothing...feels like nap time! I'm off to bother Bella and Lily!!
Happy birthday to Girl and her Dad!!!
Tail Wag,
Friday, August 20, 2010
New front doors

They continue to build, paint, sand, update, buy new stuff, decorate, and that means lots of people coming through the house. (New doors pictured above....behind the regal pic of Lily and me. I'm lying down....obviously.) All of them love me, and I'm developing a nice relationship with the workers and delivery people. Usually, I let the RainDogs run around, bark and jump, then I saunter in wagging my tail and they love me. Not hard to believe, I know. I hide Lily's toys while she acts like a fool. Eat a little out of Bella's bowl while she barks like an idiot, and then the visitors give me, the nice dog, most of the treats. It's so easy to outwit these two schnooks, I almost feel bad. But not bad enough to change. It's a Beauty's Life
Monday, August 16, 2010
What kind of a sport penalizes someone for accidentally stepping into a cat box and hitting a golf ball? That Dustin Johnson should call me, I'll lick his face and then bite the leg of that geezer who robbed him. Dustin was pretty cool about the whole dumb thing. I would have barked at the guy and chased him around the course until one of us got tired, or someone threw me a treat. Whew, I feel better now, The Beauty
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Beauty-liscious day
The Beauty here,
Now this is Colorado living. Got up a bit late, ran in and jumped on bed, Mom confusedly led me to my breakfast nook (laundry room), and the day was off to a great start. Bella and Lily were fun to chase around the yard, then back to the deck where we sun bathed for a couple hours. After lunch, we had a few olives and cherry tomatoes, then back down to the yard for more chase. Bella is still an idiot, but Lily is coming around. I believe she may move back to DC with me, we are pretty close and I don't believe it would be fair for her to endure the emotional distress that my departure would cause. Bella, on the other hand, won't notice we've left unless she picks it up while doing her daily turd count. She can't count match sticks like Dustin Hoffman did in Rain Man, but if you need a quick turd count, she's your girl. The afternoon featured some strenuous resting and sunning on the deck, followed by some more vegetable snacks, then a cool nap watching golf.
It's A Beauty's Life
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Beauty Talk,
Good Morning Minions!
Wow, what a beautiful day here. I've eaten breakfast, ran, spun, wrestled with Lily, galloped through the house, eaten breakfast again (RainBella's), and chased a squirrel up a tree (RainBella). She just jumps up the tree trunk, she doesn't sit there like an owl or something. Overall, a beautiful day.
Another Beauty of an Update!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Dad's mad
The Beauty here. I don't know if I have ever mentioned my love of dog parks, but I find those regular dogs running around sniffing each other's behinds, simply hysterical. They are such dummies, but in order to study them, I play along. Most are not very bright and worse yet, some are mean. My ear was bleeding after a bad dog in DC bit me. Now to the main point that I was going to make. At night, I like to go out and run around the big back yard. There are some really smelly, scraggly dogs that are just outside my electric fence, and curiously they are only there at night. They bark and yip at me and I run towards them to bark back. Apparently these dogs are a different breed, they call them coyotes I think. Well I played with them a little and got stuck on the wrong side of the electric fence. Dad had warned the others that I couldn't go out at night, but Hans has been sick and didn't know. He let me out and off I went. Hans sensed something was amiss, and he came and got me. The coyote dogs ran off before he came out and got me back to the right side of the fence and then inside. Dad let everyone know that I'm not ever to be out there at night. If I have to go, the front yard is my night spot. Nothing happened to me and I know Dad loves me, and now everyone knows the Beauty Rule.
Especially The Beauty
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Hot and Muggy
Beauty back again.
I was going to head down to the pool today, maybe paddle around for a bit, but swimsuits are mandatory. I'm wearing a black fur coat; what more do they want? The RainDogs ratted me out. As soon as I breached the perimeter, with my head down low and moving fast, they went to full-on yap-mode. Hey, they could have shown a little spunk and made the trip with me. They have begun identifying with their captors, you know, like that Stockholm Syndrome thing.
Geez, I've only been here a couple of weeks and I've already diagnosed them with two distinct and very different syndromes. I could probably write a book on those two yo-yos. I need my own laptop or maybe an iPad. I wonder if they named it iPad because you can use the pad of your paw to make it work. I'll look into that, it'll give me something else to use when I plan my next escape. I don't want to leave, I just want a little more adventure. Maybe I'll buy a cat and teach it to swim. As you can see, I have too much time on my paws. Shoulda run for Governor, I love that rubber chicken they serve at campaign stops. Plus, truck stops always have great food on the floor. And you have to go to truck stops; it shows that you can connect with the little people, although the folks there are usually not little. I'm rambling now, off to watch the baseball game with Dad (chief captor). Still a Beauty
Friday, August 6, 2010
Beauty here. I've been chewing on my tail for days. The truth is, I could win the Colorado Governor's race. But I like my current job. My senior advisor, Dad, has authorized a fairly substantial amount in the form of a study grant, to analyze the two "dogs" that live here. Apparently dogs can have "Asberger's Syndrome" in a substantial way. The RainDogs spend their days pacing around a rubber squeaky toy. I think that these two fools believe that the chew toy will actually come to life. This, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I've been scratching down notes and doing some interviews with these two yo-yos. I can give you one example of their nearly unlimited stupidity; when Mom sets breakfast bowls down on the laundry room floor, they try to eat from their own dishes. I snarf their food down quickly, then saunter over to my own bowl, where I casually eat my breakfast undisturbed. At first I resented having to eat with these yutz's, but then quickly realized the advantage of having their food as an appetizer. The RainDogs stand there with their ears perked up and their heads cocked to one side while I gulp their breakfast. Apparently Mom is not privy to my study grant as she occasionally interrupts me. Quite loudly, I might add. She might want to use some of that energy and volume on the RainDogs, it could add to my insightful observations. Enough for now, I need to add some entries into my Google charts. Always a Beauty, Beauty
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