Last week I flew to Colorado with Girl who was visiting her family and making all sorts of fun wedding plans. Girl told me that I would be staying in Denver until after she and Guy get back from their honeymoon. I miss them a LOT, but I have to say...I am having an awesome time. This is what I have been up to:
- Lounging on the furniture (it's allowed here!!! even when people are around!!)
- Teaching Lily to wrestle (she's terrible.)
- Licking leftover food from everyones plates
- Playing in the backyard with Lily and Bella (they got this new toy that looks like an octopus and squeaks like a rabid squirrel. It's tremendous.)
- Having slumber parties with Lily and Bella
- Watching the stock market with Girls Dad - I think that I give pretty good tips...
- Mourning the loss of Jerry...a little neighbor dog, Mattie, ate his arm and tore a hole in his chin right when I brought him to the living room to share.
Even though Jerry isn't all in one piece, I have so many friends to play with and plates to lick clean. I love coming to camp!!!
More later!!
Tail Wag,
Wait a minute - you mean I won't have Beauty as my sleeping partner while in DC?!